Useless Magic by Florence Welch

Useless Magic by Florence Welch

In-Person Therapy

There is nothing like being together in person. Therapy is traditionally done face-to-face in a physical office space that offers privacy and connection. The space and time provide clients with an opportunity to step away from their regular surroundings and responsibilities and to enter into a space that allows them to be present; to be seen and heard. One of my favourite aspects of doing therapy is sitting with clients and being with them as they tell their story.

My rate of service is $220 per 50-minute session.



Online Therapy

Telepsychology is the provision of psychological services using telecommunication technologies, which include but are not limited to telephone, email, text messages, and videoconferencing.

When in-person therapy sessions are inaccessible or unavailable, online therapy services are offered to make sure clients can continue to access services safely and effectively. This means therapy services can be delivered using audio or video technologies. When using online platforms, there is an increased security risk that personal health information may be intercepted or disclosed by third parties. This means that telephone calls, emails, text messages, and videoconferencing may not be secure in the same way as a private therapy session in an office.

This service is available to all residents in Alberta. My rate of service is $210 per 50-minute session.



Public Speaking + Workshops

I am available for public speaking events and education workshops. I have experience working with non-profit organizations, government agencies, and corporations. I would be happy to work with you to develop a presentation that suits your learning objectives and target audience. I enjoy giving talks on what is mental health versus mental illness, de-stigmatizing mental health, and health psychology, e.g., stress, burnout, and self-care.

Recent Events:

  • Webinar: Caring For Your Mental Health During COVID-19

  • Speaker at United Voices: Immigrant Youth Wellness Summit with Immigrant Services Calgary

  • Body Talk: Body Image Workshop for Eating Disorders Awareness Week with Calgary Silver Linings Foundation

Please contact me for rate of service.